Today had the strangest light. Crazy dark clouds, super blue skies, rainbows...Orange sunset and moons and apart from this first black and white drama shot, I apparently only wanted to show you orange hues.
114/365 // 17:58:24 where the horses watch
114/365 // 20:05:00 where the birds watch
114/365 // 20:12:11 where the lines cross
114/365 // 20:16:03 where the smog gathers
114/365 // 20:39:11 where the pink moon rises // edit: where the orange moon rises
So the pink moon, as we now know, is just a name. What I didn’t know is that it would be ORANGE. Giant and orange. What a sight. What’s weird is my camera didn’t seem to capture the clarity as well as a “white” moon. Will have to further inspect all future moons and figure out what that was about.