This mini series was born from a song called Lifeline by Angels & Airwaves. I have loved AVA for almost 20 years. The sound of AVA is so full of magic and space…like it sounds like actual stardust sometimes. I had this friend…I asked him once why I couldn’t get over Blink, +44, AVA, Boxcar Racer and all the others. And he didn’t miss a beat. We were so young, we were just beginning. Just becoming who we would be. The music we listened to shaped us, marked us, held us. It still holds me. It’s such a comfort. I don’t think I have the right words to describe it with the justice it deserves.

Any branch off from Blink ended up in my playlists... The lyricism of this particular branch is so visual to me that I think I could probably create a photo for every song… New challenge? One step at time, let’s just get through 365. But dibs on that idea.

So Lifeline, or a part of it, in visual form. It took a bit to get the right artificial wind, I ended with a hairdryer on a twisting chair. Vincent St. Vincent ran for his life. In post, I added a wavelength blur filter but erased to keep the portrait intact. In each, the eyes are hidden or obscured in some way. I always teach that when we hide the eyes in a portrait, it’s saying something. I’ll let you figure out what it means. Can’t give you all the answers, what fun would that be?

If you hear a distant sound
And some footsteps by your side
When the world comes crashing down
I will find you, if you hide.
And if you wish it, wish it now.
If you wish it, wish it loud.
If you want it, say it now.
If you want it, say it loud.
We all make mistakes
Here’s your lifeline