On 181/365, I broke out the old Pentax with my nifty fifty and paired it with a Porta 800 film and here we are. I used this photo as a placeholder for the masses to let them know some 35mm film was on it’s way. So we’re doing a trade. Though these were not taken, they were developed today. I use to develop and print film myself but lack the facilities. Someday I’ll get around to converting a bathroom into a darkroom but until then, I’m at the mercy of Bart, the friendly photo lab manager at Sun Color Photo, the best film processing lab around.
I can’t remember where this camera came from. When I started in the darkroom in college, I received my own film camera... I think my mother, uncle, and maybe one or two others offered or gave me their old film cameras. I have several now. Each one has it’s own unique personality. I love the pentax the most, as it’s been so reliable, and a work horse. It's never failed — knock on wood — and only slips on the wind up in the last couple frames.
184/365 catfish ln
184/365 forgotten castles in the sand
184/365 yucca blossom
My favorite of all that the ND prairie has to offer.