192/365 felt a bit surreal as a storm approached a very tiny town along the river. My usual “tracker” was unavailable so I told my brother where I was.
Me: “I’ll check in by 8:30, otherwise you’re on dead body duty. ✌🏻”
Brother: “Okay! Just don’t die.”
As I walked around, the storm continued it’s approach. I visited a small dock, maybe the term is marina? For it’s size, it had… just a ton of boats docked. All sorts of sizes, names, and fanfare attached. It didn’t feel like the midwest. Rather, like somewhere more south, somewhere sinister. A familiar scene kept popping into my mind as I framed shot after shot. It was from this show: Bloodline. I never finished it. It was series… A family who kept killing each other? It’s foggy now. Google says: A sudden tragedy unsettles the Rayburn clan. While searching for evidence in his case, John finds something disturbing from the family's past.
The show was super suspenseful and beautifully filmed but kind of hard to watch. I don’t think I ever finished it. Sometimes I stop watching shows, movies, or reading books when I like how the story is right then…You get to a part and you know something awful is about to happen, a plot twist… It’ll change everything. No. No, thank you, not today. And so I abandoned it and move on. Anyway, I did not die so my brother escaped dead body retrieval duty. We’re tighter than the Rayburn clan.
I think I might like the color orange.
196/365 // heat me up; cool me down
197/365 // vacancy
It wasn’t a portal to Narnia, I checked, thoroughly.