357/365 // vincent’s photo
Sometimes I wake up and it’s a “close out the world day.”
Headphones in. Music playing, no skips.
You can repeat a song, but you can’t skip it.
You can save it to a playlist, but you have to let it play.
Sometimes on “close out the world day” —
I sit in front of the camera on a tripod and wait for the song to tell me what to do.
Sometimes I wait a long time.
Sometimes Vincent appears to see what’s happening and why I can’t hear him.
Sometimes he takes a shot at portraiture.
Today had a really great stream of random songs.
Like really great.
Like I saved almost every single one.
As I sat in front of the camera three really visual songs played in a row.
But I started taking images during Always Almost There by Cathryn Lovett
357/365 // all my friends are getting better, i’m just getting scared
357/365 // i can’t get my shit together
357/365 // always almost there
357/365 // what if i lose my mind?
If you listen to this song, and you probably should, put headphones on because the ending — it’s necessary.